Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Prioritizing Wellness: Making Yourself a Priority!

We're just past a quarter of the way into 2016 and once again we are busy; busy working, busy playing, busy dreaming, busy achieving, basically we're busy being busy. Unfortunately, this isn't unusual; in fact it is the "American Way," so I guess I should be used to the constant pressure to do it all and to be everything to everyone. Well I'm sorry but I just can't do that, I have to call a flag on the play. I am at a point where I have never felt more tired, been more stressed out, and existing at the end of my rope than I do now. Something has got to give. 

As a working mother of two young children and someone who is notorious for taking on too much (read not being able to say no), my wellness, health, and overall well-being is being compromised and it's all (ok not all but mostly) my fault. So what am I to do? How can I turn things around? If you are like me, you have the tendency to do everything because you can. You might even take pride in the feeling of accomplishment you get from ticking items off the to-do list. If you are at the burnout point like me than it is time for a little introspection, time to sit back, take stock, and to realize that just because you can do everything doesn't mean you should. There is always a trade-off. While you may be able to do a lot, you also need to consider what is being lost/sacrificed? I know it is gratifying to get things done and to "slay" at work, at home, and in life, but if you are coming home completely spent, your patience has worn thin, you've begun to give up doing things you used to love including exercise and healthy eating, socializing with friends and loved ones, pursuing favorite hobbies, etc. you will eventually end up feeling bitter, resentful, tired, unfulfilled, and unhappy.

View complete source here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lia-miller/prioritizing-wellness-making-yourself-a-priority_b_9686318.html

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